Weirdbook 28
- WEIRDBOOK No.28 - A black ink and black pencil drawing on 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears on the cover of Weirdbook 28, published by W. Paul Ganley
What's really disturbing to me, is that in trying to learn about Art from the great masters of the past and present, I was astounded to read so many dumb statements from them . . .
PABLO PICASSO wrote, "We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth.
NONSENSE - "Art" in fact cannot "lie", it can only reveal to us the artwork being produced, which, by itself tells us the truth about our changing morals and other changes taking place in society from generation to generation.
HENRY DAVID THOREAU wrote, "The highest condition of art is artlessness".
NONSENSE - A work of art that is "artless," is of the lowest condition since it
exhibits none of the virtues associated with talent and esthetics.
OSCAR WILDE wrote, "Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of art".
NONSENSE - There is no "proper aim of art". Artists are free to choose whatever subject they want, according to their philosophical mindsets and individual talents.
JOHN CAGE wrote, "The responsibility of the artist consists in perfecting his work so that it may become attractively disinteresting".
NONSENSE - An artist has no responsibility except to satisfy himself.
Besides, a subject cannot be both "attractive" and "disinteresting," it's one or the other.
EDGAR DEGAS wrote, "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.
NONSENSE - When an artist no longer knows what he is doing, he is no longer an artist, he is a doodler!
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